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Enjoy eBooks & Audiobooks

The key to using R.E.A.D.S. is your library card.  You can obtain an instant digital library card by clicking the link below.

See Book.  Read Book.

  1. Visit your library's digital collection in R.E.A.D.S.
    R.E.A.D.S. Page
  2. Sign in with your library card.  If you do not have a card, you can get one online at the R.E.A.D.S. site.  And it's free!
  3. Browse and search for eBooks and audiobooks.
  4. When you find a book you want to read, click on the time and select "Borrow."
  5. Start reading immediately by clicking the 'Read' button or visit your 'Bookshelf' to download!

Titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period.  No need to worry about returning a ebook/audiobook on time.  And when it gets close to the time the item is to expire, then you may extend the checkout time if it is does not have a long waiting list.  It's all about sharing!   Just like your local library!

Enjoy eBooks & audiobooks anytime, anywhere

  • After borrowing a book, you can download to enjoy on your computer or mobile device and transfer to an eBook reader or MP3 player.
  1. From your 'Bookshelf' use the drop down menu to download your preferred format.
  2. Kindle titles can be read on a Kindle device or through a Kindle reading app via
  3. For all other formats, click on 'Help' to install free software.

On a computer:

  • OverDrive Media Console for audiobooks & more (MP3, WMA, WMV)
  • Adobe Digial Editions for eBooks (EPUB, PDF)

On a mobile phone or tablet:

  • OverDrive Media Console mobile app, look for "Libby" in your smart device app store.  It's FREE and great to use.

To transfer to an eBook reader or MP3 Player

  1. Connect your device to the computer.
  2. For eBook readers: Open Adobe Digital Editions and drag and drop your downloaded eBook onto the device name on the left panel.
  3. For MP3/WMA Players: Open OverDrive Media Console, select your downloaded audiobook and click 'Transfer' to launch the Transfer Wizard.

Format availability may vary by library.

What if the book is unavailable now?  No problem!

When you find a book you are interested in, you have the option to borrow the book immediately if a copy is available, place it in your wish list for future reading, or if it is currently unavailable, you can be added to the wait list.  The wait list will tell you how many copies are owned by the library system and how many people are waiting, and even an approximate time it will be before you can expect to receive the book.  Here is the best part, then the book is available to you, it will be automatically checked out to you, and you will receive an email telling you the book is now available to download and your reading time has begun.  Go get your book and begin your reading adventure!

Help Resources

Visit Perry County's digital collection website's 'Help' link or go to for more instructional guides and videos.

TEL logo

The Dolly Parton Imagination Library provides age appropriate books for children from birth to 5 years old. Be sure to register your child. It's free!

Find Out More
Linden Branch

104 College Avenue 
Linden, TN 37096

Phone: (931) 589-5011
FAX: (931) 589-6210


Get Directions


Lobelville Branch

55 South Main Street 
Lobelville, TN 37097

Phone: (931) 593-3111
FAX: (931) 593-2089


Get Directions


 Library hours

Tues - Wed - Thurs: 10 AM - 6 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Sunday - Monday: Closed :)

Mon - Fri: 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed :)

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